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Croissants frais


In order to make the most of your accommodation and discover the gastronomy of Auvergne, we offer a choice of gourmet baskets and drinks in our shop composed of fresh and local products.


Continental breakfast or brunch basket

In order to make the most of your accommodation and discover the gastronomy of Auvergne, we offer a choice of gourmet baskets and drinks in our shop composed of fresh and local products.

10.50€/pers; -  8€/child(6 to 12 years old)

20€/pers  -  14€ /child(6 to 12 years old)

local dish jars

At your disposal is a selection of jars made from fresh produce, ready to enjoy! Compose your menu to enjoy your evening.


*Fresh salad of lentils, red onions and small chanterelles
*Salmon rillette with candied tomato compote
*Auvergne Blue Terrine


*Trout lasagna, pesto ratatouille
*Chicken and aligot stir-fry
*Carrot mousseline with cumin, mixed vegetables (vegan)


*Creamy chocolate brownie
*Cheesecake with red fruits
*Soft caramelized apples


In order to make the most of your accommodation and discover the gastronomy of Auvergne, we offer a choice of gourmet baskets and drinks in our shop composed of fresh and local products.

In order to make the most of your accommodation and discover the gastronomy of Auvergne, we offer a choice of gourmet baskets and drinks in our shop composed of fresh and local products.

In order to make the most of your accommodation and discover the gastronomy of Auvergne, we offer a choice of gourmet baskets and drinks in our shop composed of fresh and local products.




In order to make the most of your accommodation and discover the gastronomy of Auvergne, we offer a choice of gourmet baskets and drinks in our shop composed of fresh and local products.

Plat végétarien

Présence de gluten

Présence de lactose

Présence d'alcool





Fruits à



*Petit pot de chocolat noir "Andoa Valrhona", éclats de noisettes

*Panna cotta aux fruits de saison

*Crumble et sa compotée de fruits de saison

*Porc caramélisé, nouilles sautées

*Retour de pêche (selon arrivage), légumes sauce curry coco

*Risotto aux champignons de saison 

*Soupe de légumes verts "Détox", à déguster chaude ou froide

*Tartinade de canard moutarde à l'ancienne

*Rillette de saumon au piment d'Espelette

Our drinks

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Vous partez en excursion !
Nous vous proposons une formule pique-nique composée: 

• 1 sandwich au choix (jambon beurre ou rillette de poulet)
• 1 paquet de chips
• 1 tranche de St-Nectaire
• 1
• 1 boisson au choix



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