Sur Place

Le Puy de Pourcharet
Situé au sud de la Chaine des Puys, le puy de Pourcharet (1 164 m) est un volcan de type strombolien qui présente un cratère d’une profondeur d’environ 50 mètres.S’il n’est pas possible de gravir cet édifice entièrement boisé, ses formes volcaniques peuvent néanmoins être admirées depuis un chemin de randonnée qui contourne sa base.
6.2 km
158m de dénivelé
1057 m d'altitude

Salian waterfall
It is the meeting of the Gigeole and a lava flow:
The Gigeole, a tributary of the Sioule, meets the Olby Flow to the north, north/west of the village of Nébouzat at the level of the village of Saliens. She thus creates the cascade of the same name.
Located in the town of Nébouzat (63), the Saliens waterfall is to be discovered thanks to a small walk. Thanks to the volcanic walls that are covered with vegetation, the site of the Salians waterfall offers a colorful and exotic setting.
less than 1km
20 minutes round trip
881m high

The GR 30 Tour of the Lakes of Auvergne
This family walk, with many panoramas, provides access to the puys de la Vache and Lassolas, twin and remarkable volcanoes. The surrounding landscape consists of bombs of cooled lava scattered on a soil composed partly of pozzolane.
4.5 km
285m height difference
1179m high